Yes, please. There are different places where the retailer brand logo will be viewed.  

The four locations are: At the top of deals (edms, gold, silver, self-serve), on the brand page listing, on individual retailer brand page and for Premium brands on the pre-event brand page. 

1. Square brand logo - on brand pages

  • Minimum file size 335 x 335 (px)
  • Accepted formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG
  • Maximum 100MB file size
  • Square format
  • 1:1 ratio

2. Rectangle brand logo - on deals

  • Minimum file size 664 x 332 (px)
  • Accepted formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG
  • Maximum 100MB file size
  • Horizontal format
  • For maximum exposure, try minimising the height as much as possible while maintaining the width of 664px
    • Also try to remove as much as white space around the logo.
  • For maximum exposure trim to logo edge